Daily Prompt: Mighty

via Daily Prompt: Mighty

To be mighty is not a zero sum game or even being renowned. The mighty among us are those who know that victory has nothing to do with status. For each of us to be mighty in our own right we must achieve what we are set out to do with excellence. Riches and fame are not things that are ascribed to everyone, but if anyone in your ecosystem can say of you I know that person and they are good or even I may not agree with them, but I can respect them…. you are mighty! To be mighty is to know that you have a task that can only be done by you and you alone, will you strive to get it done with your all? To be the best parent, sibling, son/daughter, friend, employee, entrepreneur, writer, etc. To be mighty is also knowing that we should never let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If it takes you 1,026 times to accomplish what you set out to do, you are still mighty! If I were poised to create a formula it would be M=(F*B*P).
Faith that you are uniquely designed
Belief that you can do all things
Perseverance if it takes a lifetime…. So Be It!
You mighty! Accept it, it’s just the way it is!

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